
GOP fliers target Codey for votes on tax, pay hikes

September 30, 2013

Matthew Arco | September 30, 2013 | PolitickerNJ

Mailers attacking a longtime Democratic lawmaker in District 27 have a common thread tied to the state’s gubernatorial race.

The GOP-sponsored fliers, which take aim at Sen. Dick Codey, are criticizing the incumbent lawmaker for voting over the course of his career on bills that raise taxes on New Jersey residents, all the while – as one of the mailers states – supporting legislation “to give himself and other politicians a pay raise.”

The strategy of attacking Codey as a tax-happy pol who’s all-too-willing to increase his own pay is not unlike the one being deployed by Gov. Chris Christie’s re-election team, which is airing at least two versions of a television ad that criticizes his opponent for voting in favor of increasing lawmakers’ – and other state officials’ – salaries

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