Chairman Sam Raia’s Statement Announcing State Party Endorsement of Chris Christie for President
June 2, 2015Following a unanimous vote by the members of the New Jersey Republican State Committee Tuesday in support of Chris Christie’s bid for the Republican nomination for President, Republican State Chairman Sam Raia issued the following statement:
“Our State Committee and Republicans around our state have rallied behind Governor Christie’s campaign because his strong leadership here in the Garden State is exactly what we need in Washington. He took on entrenched special interests to reform our pension and benefit system, capped property taxes and delivered six balanced budgets in a row without a single tax increase, cut bureaucratic red tape and partnered with entrepreneurs to put our state back to work. All told, we have seen eleven straight months of private sector job creation thanks to Governor Christie’s leadership, providing nearly 200,000 new jobs in New Jersey. He engaged residents across our state in a blunt and honest dialogue about the challenges we faced, made tough decisions and provided tax relief for families and seniors across New Jersey. Our state party stands united behind his efforts to bring that same kind of leadership to our nation’s capital and looks forward to providing him the support he needs to successfully become our Republican nominee for President in 2016.”