NJGOP Launches Micro-Site/Digital Ad Campaign Revealing The Real Mikie Sherrill
September 6, 2018NJGOP Launches Micro-Site/Digital Ad Campaign Revealing The Real Mikie Sherrill
Trenton, NJ – Today, the New Jersey Republican State Committee launched the website www.MikieMurphyMenendez.com. NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt offered the following comments on the new website:
“Voters in North Jersey deserve to know the truth about Mikie Sherrill and the liberal and corrupt company she keeps. People who get to know her beyond her sleek campaign ads need to know that she is funded by the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party.
“Phil Murphy, New Jersey’s most liberal governor – ever- is one of her loudest cheerleaders. The man who raised your taxes by over a billion dollars for items like legal aid for illegal immigrants and making New Jersey a Sanctuary State wants to send the same kind of extreme, liberal agenda To Washington, in the form of Mikie Sherrill.
“She even stands proudly with corrupt Senator Bob Menendez, while touting her service as a former federal prosecutor. This is the same Bob Menendez who was admonished by a bi-partisan panel of US Senators for his illegal and unethical acts. If she thinks taking lavish gifts from criminal donors in exchange for government favors is appropriate, then voters in North Jersey need to know that.”
Voters can visit this new, informative website at www.MikieMurphyMenendez.com.