Murphy Feels the Pressure from the NJGOP, Finally Follows The Actual Science
May 21, 2021Trenton, NJ: After receiving an insurmountable amount of pressure from the New Jersey Republican Party and elected officials from both parties to follow the science released by the Centers for Disease Control and lift the obsolete indoor mask mandate in New Jersey; new reports indicate that New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy will lift the mandate on Friday, May 28th before the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
New Jersey Republican State Committee Executive Director Tom Szymanski issued the following statement:
“It’s about time Phil Murphy has decided to stop following political science, and to follow the actual science released by the CDC. Murphy’s inaction on lifting the indoor mask mandate was unfortunately par for the course for him on his handling of this pandemic.
“Murphy has constantly lagged behind every other state on a myriad of issues throughout this pandemic which has led New Jersey to receive the lowest score in the entire nation for how quickly we are recovering from this devastating pandemic, and it’s forced one in three small businesses to close for good.
“New Jersey deserves a Governor who will always take swift action to move New Jersey’s economy forward into a post COVID world, and voters will certainly not lag in their removal of Murphy from the Governor’s Mansion this November.”