
Chris Christie touts record tourism during trip to Atlantic City

March 25, 2013

By: Jenna Portnoy | March 21, 2013 | The Star-Ledger

Pushing back against the impression that Hurricane Sandy decimated the state’s entire coastline, Gov. Chris Christie touted record tourism revenue yesterday during a swing through the South Jersey shore.

Along the way, the optimistic Christie said things were looking up in Atlantic City, from the return of the Miss America Pageant, which has seen a steep drop in television viewership over the past 25 years, to the anticipated bankruptcy filing of the $2.4 billion Revel casino, giving investors the opportunity to have an ownership stake, rather than close the casino…Giving a mini-state of the shore, Christie said most, if not all, of the state’s boardwalks will be rebuilt in time for Memorial Day, although there will be limited amusements at Casino Pier on Seaside. “The Jersey Shore is not a monolith,” he said. “South of Long Beach Island, these communities are going to be absolutely ready and really people are not going to see much of a difference from what they saw in 2012.”

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