“April Fools” from the former Corzine Staffers at the New Jersey Policy Perspective
April 1, 2013Today’s report from Jon Corzine’s former employees at the New Jersey Policy Perspective is clearly an “April Fools’” joke by a notoriously liberal “hatchet group” employing the holiday to try and pass itself off as a credible organization. The findings in their “study” read like an editorial, and fit with this extreme group’s agenda to raise taxes, spending, and the size of government: the very Corzine policies that led to the largest budget deficit per person of any state in the nation, a 70% increase in property taxes in the past decade, a $121 billion unfunded liability in state health benefits and pensions, and spending at unsustainable levels.
“Given their work for Jon Corzine, it’s not surprising that a group led by his former employees would be advocating taking us backward to the failed policies of his Administration,” said New Jersey Republican Party spokesman Ben Sparks. “The Corzine agenda of big government, massive tax hikes, and excessive spending would kill jobs and crush our economy. The NJPP has looked at the data, so they’re well aware that Governor Christie and our Republican leadership have overseen record growth of more than 100,000 private-sector jobs by making New Jersey a business friendly environment with aggressive incentive and job-retention programs that have passed with bi-partisan support.”
Deborah Howlett, former executive director of New Jersey Policy Perspective, is the former Communications Director of Governor Jon Corzine’s administration. (Andrea Clurfield, “Double Dippers Boost Salaries,” Asbury Park Press, 5/9/2011)
David Rousseau, the budget analyst for the New Jersey Policy Perspective, is a former state treasurer under Jon Corzine. (John Reitmeyer, “Christie backs off bold prediction for N.J. economic growth,” The Record, 3/3/2013)