As delivered – Chairman Doug Steinhardt’s Testimony to the Senate Transportation Committee
December 13, 2019December 12, 2019
I’m Doug Steinhardt, Chairman of the New Jersey Republican Party. I’m here today representing millions of New Jersey Republicans who won’t be shouted into a corner by liberal politicians promoting drivers licenses for illegal immigrants.
No matter how many bills you pass to rig our elections or silence the men and women fighting for honest answers to our state’s real problems, we won’t stop coming here.
Drivers licenses for illegal immigrants is a personal affront to the millions of NJ families who follow the law, play by the rules, and still struggle to get by because their representatives espouse idealism over ideas and promote progressivism over practicality.
Democrat politicians in this state seem bent on circumventing established laws rather than adhering to them, and creating loopholes rather than solving problems, real problems that NJ citizens face every day, like crime, taxes, transit, human trafficking and job loss. Policies like these ignore the human consequences that come with putting politics before people and undermines the public trust in our elected leaders.
We are a nation of immigrants, yes, but we are also a nation of laws. I call on this committee to respect those laws. Go back to the drawing board, reach across the aisle and work on honest answers that solve real problems.