Steinhardt Calls On Legislature To Check and Balance Murphy
April 16, 2020
Trenton, NJ – Last night on Tucker Carlson, while discussing the various public gatherings the Governor has banned, Governor Phil Murphy stated that, “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.” When asked again, “By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this [congregation] order,” Murphy responded, “That’s above my pay grade, Tucker.”
“In New Jersey, there is no elected state office above Governor. The buck stops there,” New Jersey Republican State Committee Chairman Doug Steinhardt said. The NJGOP is calling on the New Jersey legislature to convene and exercise the checks and balances needed to measure Governor Murphy’s executive power.
“The Bill of Rights is not a science experiment; on that there is no compromise,” Steinhardt continued. “Those rights have endured over 200 years and they will endure this pandemic. Contrary to the Governor’s thinking, protecting New Jerseyans’ constitutional rights is not above the his pay grade.”
Steinhardt concluded, “We are in uncharted territory as a country, and it is testing the limits of elected leaders everywhere. The fundamental fabric that constitutes the Bill of Rights is constructed of individual fibers each as important as the other. No right is elevated above another and forsaking one right is forsaking all of them. The NJGOP calls on the Senate and Assembly to convene and exercise the checks and balances needed to measure the Governor’s powers.”