
Murphy Puts His Biggest Campaign Donors Before Children, Veterans, Seniors, Small Businesses, Middle Class Taxpayers and Opioid Victims

May 6, 2020
Murphy Puts His Biggest Campaign Donors Before Children, Veterans, Seniors, Small Businesses, Middle Class Taxpayers and Opioid Victims

Amid the greatest national financial crisis since the Great Depression, Governor Phil Murphy is sticking it to regular New Jerseyans to spend big propping up his biggest campaign contributor, the NJEA.

At the end of March, Governor Murphy put $684 million taxpayer dollars into the broken public pension system. To make room for his tax funded giveaway, Murphy froze and vetoed funding for:

  • Children
  • Veterans
  • Seniors
  • Small businesses
  • Taxpayers
  • Opioid Crisis Victims
  • State University students

Read the full list of vetoed funding here and frozen funding here.

NJGOP Doug Steinhardt offered the following comment:

“Governor Murphy’s priorities are bought and paid for with public sector labor graft. He‘s hoarding taxpayer dollars to grease his donors first, then throwing the scraps to the State’s nearly 1 million unemployed, struggling small businesses, and desperate families. In November 2021, we need to socially distance from Governor Murphy.”