Steinhardt Tells Murphy To Disclose McKinsey Documents
December 2, 2020Steinhardt Tells Murphy To Disclose McKinsey Documents
Over the weekend reports surfaced revealing that McKinsey, the taxpayer-funded consulting firm Governor Murphy hired to manage his public relations during COVID-19, has also been advising the disgraced pharmaceutical company, Purdue, to offer rebates for opioid overdoses.
Despite calling these reports “sickening”, Governor Murphy doubled down on his support for the work McKinsey is doing for his Administration.
NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt has called on Murphy to cut ties with McKinsey and launched a petition to help with the effort.
Steinhardt has also raised questions about the actual public relations product this firm is providing to the Murphy Administration. Part of their proposal to Murphy describes their services as “developing a communications strategy on possible relaxation of restrictions.”
The NJGOP and Chairman Steinhardt have submitted an Open Public Records Act Request for all documents provided to the Murphy Administration by McKinsey as part of any communications strategy related to COVID-19.
“The people of New Jersey deserve to see what these spin doctors are cooking up for Phil Murphy,” said NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt. “The Governor’s failed COVID policies have led to over 7,000 nursing home deaths and one third of small businesses shuttering. If his PR team gave Purdue a plan to boost opioid sales, who knows what they are telling our Governor under these circumstances. My hope is that the Murphy Administration will disclose these documents in a timely fashion and give New Jersey residents some semblance of confidence as we face this next wave of COVID.”