We are pleased to announce a brand new way to help the New Jersey Republican Party sustain a winning victory operation. When you join the NJGOP’s “Grow 21 Club”, you are giving the Party the tools necessary to elect Republicans across the state. Proceeds will help benefit our data operations, digital campaigning against Democrats, and building our grassroots volunteer network. Joining is easy and you will enjoy exclusive NJGOP benefits. Please choose from the following options below as to what level you are most comfortable giving at.
Grassroots Investor $10/month*
- Never be solicited for money by phone
- Receive your exclusive membership lapel pin
- Access to our exclusive private online community
- Recognition on the NJGOP website
- Grassroots Investor benefits, plus:
- Receive special quarterly email updates on NJGOP activities and events
Presidential Investor $45/month*
- Capitol Investor benefits, plus:
- Discounted tickets to select NJGOP events
- Presidential Investor benefits, plus:
- Priority seating at all NJGOP events (ticket price not included)
- Quarterly conference calls with Party leaders
- Voluntary inclusion in a private Chairman’s Circle directory
*One-time payments of $120, $240, $540, or $1,200 will be accepted as well to cover a one-year membership with a check or credit card.
Click here to join!
Prefer to join by mailing a check? Click here to download the contribution form.
Chairman’s Caucus
Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso
Craig Heard
Mayor Brian Levine
Sean Mabey
Roshan Shah
Sophie Sie
Steve Zaorski
Presidential Investors
Barbara Dawson
Kamei Harris
Antonia Kulberda
Capitol Investors
Frank Abate
Councilwoman Danielle DeGerolamo
Roseann Eteson
Celeste Homaychak
Henry Kuhl
Committeewoman Naomi Lubkin
Thomas Maoli
Christopher Marion
Angelo & Maryann Penza
John JD Schweska
Yu Song
Thomas Szymanski
Grassroots Investors
Mayor Carmen Amato
Steven Angelastro
James Arakelelian
Jeremy Baratta
David Barksdale
Daniel Beckelman
Jason Brooks
Janine Brunetti
Erik DePalma
Ron Filan
Nina Grant
Evan Hoefling
Don Katz
Shelly Kennedy
Heidi Knapp
Chairman Brandon Kubinak
Brandon Kuinakl
Stephanie Marquez-Villafane
Marianne Moran
Richard Mulhern
Alexandra Ponsica
John Quinn
Stephanie Reichardt
Raffaele Ruggiero
Jessica Scheper
Jaswinder Singh
Steven Spurr
John Terrero
Justin Tibbetts
Sue Tisiker
Committeewoman Mary Van Lieu
Ek Venin